cause to come before them the sd Swithen Wells, and of him
take good security for his good behaviour and appeareance at
the next Provinciall Court to answer the premisses, and that
he be positively required to deliver unto the said John
Thompson all and singular the Records Papers transcripts
and Minuts aforesaid upon paine and perill that shall fall upon
his further contempt in case he doe not punctually comply
herewith. Dated at St Maries the 12th Day of November in
the Sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &ca
Annoq Domini 1681: Signed p ordr
p John Llewellin Cl Consil.
Then read and heard a petition preferred by Anthony
To the Rt honble Charles absolute Lord & Propry of the Prov-
ince of Maryland &c and to the honble Council
Anthony Dawson of Dorchester County in all submissive
manner to yor Honr
That by vertue of an ordr from your Honors dated the Eighth
day of October last past grounded upon the complaint of One
James Peterkin, agt yor humble Petitioner, Stephen Gary High
Sheriff and others as by the petition against them appeareth
who were ordered to appeare before your Honors this Provin-
ciall Court to answer the complaint
In humble obedience and submission to which ordr the said
persons being ready to answer to the sd Complaint, and make
just Defence thereto, considering the distance of their abode
and the inconveniency of a Reception and accommodation for
such a number of persons here, Your poore Suppliant humbly
prayes your Honors serious consideration herein, and that your
Honors in your gracious Clemency would order a speedy
determination & heareing of the premisses
And he as in duty bound shall ever pray for yor Honors &c.
Anto Dawson