saying he had hired the roome of Newton and to him had
paid storeage.
Mr James ffrisby saith that he knows or cann say little or
nothing of his owne knowledge but what he has heard from
others these transactions of Mr Inglish happening when he
was at St Maries upon the Assembly, but he hath been
informed the very same that now is charged to Mr Inglish.
Mr William Peerce saith to the same effect that these things
happened when he was upon the Assembly but he hath heard
severall persons complain of the proud insolent carriage and
behaviour of Mr Inglish who had given generall distaste and
dissatisfaction to the whole County by delaying and putting
off the Courts, that the chiefe motive of his subscribing the
petition was that before he returned into the County he was
informed by a person liveing in the County who meeteing
with Mr Inglish enquired of him what time the Burgesses
would returne to which the said Inglish replyed what knew he
it might be the latter end of October, he also told the said
Peerce that he beleived the people in the County would rise.
Mr Nathanll Garratt saith that he knows little of himself but
that generally the people in the County murmured and were
much dissatisfied at putting off the Courts by meanes of Mr
Richard Adames saith that when Mr Inglish attached the
Commission' he told them he would make them know them-
selves, and but the day before said in heareing of him the sd
Adames that there should be noe Court.
Whereunto Mr Inglish haveing made his Defence and being
duely heard they were dismissed and the further consideration
thereof his Ldsp and Councill would take unto themselves.
Liber R.