rant. Dated the Seaventh Day of November in the Sixth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &c. Annoq
Dmi. 1681 :
To the Sheriff of Charles County Signed p ordr
or his Deputy p. J Llewellin Cl Consil
Maryld ss: By the Ld Propry & Councill
You are hereby willed and Required forthwith upon sight
hereof to summon John Hamilton and John Wright of your
County that (all Excuses set apart) they be and personally
appeare before his Ldsp and Councill at the City of St Maries
on Monday the fourteenth instant to testifye the truth of their
knowledge in behalf of the Rt honble the Lord Propry against
Edwd Abbot of your County to what shall then and there be
propounded unto thm Whereof lett them not faile at their
perill. Dated the Seaventh Day of November in the Sixth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &c. Annoq
Dmi 1681:
To the Sheriff of Charles Signed p ordr
County or his Deputy p J Llewellin Cl Consil.
Both the foregoing precepts Inclosed in the following Lre
to Coll Chandler viz
St Maries Novembr 7th 1681 :
Coll Chandler
Yours Dated this moneth I reed: and thank you for yor care
in adviseing therein, and for answer send you a warrt to
apprehend Edwd Abbott and summons for John Hamilton and
John Wright Evidences wch yu are desired to execute accord-
ing to tenor being all at present from Yor ffriend
I understand that the Choptico C: Baltemore
Indians are now among the
Pascattoways soe that I conceive
there will be noe great occasion for
the English any longer to remaine
there with them, therefore doe hereby
ordr you forthwith to dismiss them
from that charge.
At the Request of Mr Edward Inglish Sheriff of Caecill
County his Ldspp ordered Summons to issue for Mr James
ffrisby, Mr Wm Peerce, Mr Nathaniel Garratt and Henry
Elderley to appeare before his Lspp and Councill to morrow the
Eighth instant, and summons accordingly issued viz.