truth of their knowledge in such matters and thinges as shall
then & there be proposed unto them. Whereof they are not
to faile. Dated the Seaventh Day of November in the Sixth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &c Annoq
Dmi 1681. Signed p ordr
p J Llewellin Cl Consil.
Mendii the 9th Day of November 1681. Thomas Mudd of
St Maries County gentl haveing given his Deposition before
the honble the Chancelor the same was by his Lspp ordered to
be Entred in the Councill booke viz
The Deposition of Thomas Mudd aged thirty four yeares
or thereabouts sworne saith viz
That sometime in the Spring of this yeare meeteing with
Mr John Dent at the house of Mr George Boareman dis-
courseing of news out of Engld and likewise of the news
here, he the said Dent told me that not long before he mett
with Capt Josias ffendall, who told him that the Sinniquos
were comeing downe to Assist the Catholicks, and further
discourseing that he thought it would be troublesome times
with the Catholicks; And what the said Dent could gather by
the words of ffendall he thought he was ready to rise, and the
said Dent asked ffendall whither it was not dangerous to rise
till he had further news out of England, and the said ffendall
replyed that then it might be too late. And further the
Deponent saith not Tho: Mudd.
Juravit die nono Novembris 1681 :
Philip Calvert
Memdu the 10th Day of November 1681: Mr John Dent of
Ss Maries County haveing reed: summons make his appear-
ance and gave in this following Deposition viz.
The Deposition of John Dent of St Maries County gentl
upon oath taken on the holy Evangelists is as foll viz.
That about the last Spring of the yeare (to his best Remem-
brance) the Deponent haveing been at Mr Hatches house, and
in his way homewards, upon the Road in the woods neere
John Goodies, mett with Captn ffendall, who (after mutuall