Abraham Rhoad desires that Mr Leonard Greene may be
commanded before his Honor the Chancelor as being Abraham
Rhode's Author. Abraham Rhoades.
Leonard Greene according to summons appeared and made
Deposition viz.
That he had been abroad and heard of the murder com-
mitted at Point Looke Out, and when he came home One John
Barnett came to his house & told him that he had been at Green-
goes where discourseing of the people that were killed, they
said it was not Indians but people of their owne Physiogmony
or complexion dressed up in Indian habitt (or words to that
effect) who had done it Leo: Greene
John Barnett sworne saith.
That he was at Greengoes little after the murder was com-
mitted, where there came a boate over (as he was informed)
from Mr Ridgelys with two of Mr Ridgelys people, who (espe-
cially One of them) in discourse talking said that those that
did the murder would at last proove to be of our owne com-
Juraverunt 26o Die Augusti John + Barnett
1681: coram nobis his mark
Philip Calvert
Thomas Tailler
Memdu August 29th 1681. came Emanuel Ratcliffe accord-
ing to summons into the Upper house of Assembly before the
Councill then sitting and upon his Examination gave this foll.
Deposition viz.