Liber K.
Memdu ordered to be Entred in the Councill booke these
following Depositions
August 25th 1681 :
Abraham Rhoad aged thirty Six yeares or thereabouts
sworne upon the holy Evangelists Saith upon 15th instant
Roger Towle told this Deponent that John Rye the miller at
my Lords Mill told some man on St Georges side that Thomas
Courtney had forbid him the said Miller to goe to the church
on St Georges hundred, that that man reported at Church
there that the said Courtney had forewarned the said Miller
not to goe to the said Church, and bid him goe well armed if
he did goe lest he might come short home
Juravit die et Anno supra dictis Abraham Rhoades
coram nobis Philip Calvert
Thomas Tailler
p. 280
Henry Lewis aged ffourty yeares or thereabouts Sworne
upon the holy Evangelists Saith, That what is sworne in the
Deposition above written by Abraham Rhoad is all that ever
he heard the said Rhoad say about or concerning the prem-
isses, but he heard the said Roger Towle say that he heard
that Thomas Courtney should forewarne the miller aforesaid
from coming to Church, and bid him the said miller goe well
armed if he did goe least he came short home or words to
that effect, and the said Roger said he reported it on purpose
because he Desired it should be questioned having evidence
to proove that he was told soe. Henry x Lewis
his mark
Juravit die et anno supra dictis
coram nobis
Philip Calvert
Thomas Tailler
Henry Lewis aged ffourty yeares or thereabouts sworne
upon the holy Evangelists saith
That upon Tuesday the sixteenth instant he heard Abraham
Rhoad say that people on St Georges side talked largely and
said that they did not know whither the people at Point
Looke out were killed by the Papists or the Indians, but
named noe particular person that reported it, and further
saith not Henry x Lewis
Juravit die et Anno supra dictis his mark
coram nobis Philip Calvert
Thomas Tailler