scarceity or rather want thereof amongst ourselves especially
in a juncture of time when we daily expect a Rupture or open
Warr with the Northern Indians They haveing already com-
mitted and done severall murders insolencies outrages and
attempts upon diverse the Inhabitants of this our Province.
To prevent therefore in time the Inconveniencies that may
happen by exporting Corne and provisions as aforesaid (wch
in case of such Rupture or warr as aforesaid will be of abso-
lute necessity to be reserved as well for the Support and
maintenance of a standing or marching army, settled Garri-
son, or other posture of Defence for this our Province as also
for the sustenance of others the good people thereof their
Wives & ffamilys at home.) We have thought fitt and wee
doe hereby by and with the advice and consent of our Coun-
cill strictly and positively prohibitt and forbid all and singular
the Inhabitants of this our Province, and all other persons
whatsoever comeing into, tradeing or trafficking within the
Liber R.
same, from henceforth to Export out of this Province any
manner of Corne of Indian or English grain, also all manner
of flesh, such as Beefe, Veale, Mutton, Lamb Pork or
Bacon dead or alive for and dureing the tearme and space
of twelve moneths from the Date hereof fully to be compleate
and ended, without speciall leave and lycense soe to Doe from
us or our Lt Genll or other Chiefe Governor for the time
being under our or his hand and Seale first had and obteyned
on fiorfeiture of all such Corne and provisions aforesaid that
shall for that purpose be loaden on board any Shipp or other
Vessell, or otherwise attempted to be exported as aforesaid,
and treble the value thereof; The Moiety or one- half thereof
to us and our heyres, the other half to the Informer, and upon
such further paine and perill as may ensue upon contempt of
this our Proclamation. And we doe hereby strictly charge
and command all and singular our Officers Civill and Military
within this Province, and others the Inhabitants thereof to
make all Diligent Search and Enquiry in and about their sev-
erall and respective precincts and places of abode, that this
our Proclamation be observed and due Obedience thereunto
given: hereby also strictly Requireing all and singular the
Sheriffs of this our Province to make publick Proclamation
hereof in and about the most publick and convenient places
within their Respective Counties to the End that due notice
thereof being given to all persons concerned none may here-
after presume to plead ignorance therein.
Given at our City of St Maries under the greate Seale of
our sd Province of Maryland the four and Twentyeth day of
October in the Sixth yeare of our Dominion &c. Annoq Dmi.
Signed P Calvert Cancel
p. 279