His Lordship in Testimony of his acceptance of the
acknowledgment of the petitioner hath Granted, and it is this
day Ordered in Council that the petitioner duly complying
with his Lordships conditions of plantations now in force
within this province or giving such other Satisfaction as to his
Lordship shall seem meet may have pattent for the Land
within mentioned to confirm his Title thereunto and that no
other person having less right thereunto and endeavouring to
sue for the same be admitted to receive any grant thereof, or
if any such thing should happen the same to be in its self
[Petition of Edmund Dwyer.]
At A Council held at the City of Saint Marys the 13th day
of October Anno Domini 1685
Colo Henry Darnall
the honble Colo William Digges Present
Major Nicholas Sewall
To his Lordships Honourable Council appointed &c.
The humble petition of Edmund Dwyer of Cecil County
Humbly Sheweth
That whereas his Lordship the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary had Granted unto your Petitioner A Warrant for
2000 Acres of Land to be laid out in Christina Creek in Cecil
County, as by the Copy of the petition and Order thereupon
may appear, which Warrant your Petitioner returned to the
Clerk of the Land Office for to be recorded But now so it is
May it please your Honours the same Warrant is by some
means or other Imbezzled and lost and no Record made
thereof to your Petitioners great Damage unless by your
Honours relieved, for that your Petitioner having been at
extraordinary Charge in laying out of the same in Christine
Creek aforesaid, and Certificate thereof returned into the
Office for Lands, and since the laying out of the same part of
the same Tract is Seated, and Inhabited, but no patent thereof
can issue for want of the said Warrant
Your Petitioner therefore humbly Supplicates your Honours
Consideration of the premises and prays your Honours order
for Recording of the same Warrant your Petitioner being
ready to make Oath that he has made no other Use of the
same Warrant or any part thereof than as before is set forth,
that so upon recording thereof patients may issue thereupon
And your Petitioner shall ever pray
Ordered that Patents issue upon the Certificates returned
notwithstanding the Warrant lost