Ordered that the petitioner paying or Securing to be paid
unto his Lordship for the Lands and premises within men-
tioned according to Conditions of plantation now in force
within this province, or otherwise as to his Lordship shall
seem meet the same and every part thereof is hereby Con-
firmed to the Petitioner and shall and may be Granted by
Patient under the Great Seal of this province to the petitioner
his Heirs and assigns for ever, under the Rents & Services in
the said Conditions set forth
This Order to stand in Bar of any other Persons having less
equitable Right thereunto privately seeing to his Lordship for
the same, and that his Lordship may not be surprized therein ;
but if any such thing should happen the same to be in it self
Maryland ss.
To the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary & his honble
The humble petition of Ephraim Herman of the Town of
Newcastle on Deleware River
Most humbly Sheweth,
That your Lordships late Father Cecilius &cc of noble
memory of his abundant Goodness and Favour to your Peti-
tioners Father Mr Augustine Herman for the good Service by
him done to his Lordship did especially Order and Appoint to
be laid out for him the said Augustine Herman A Tract of
Land lying on Deleware River between Opoquenimmin and
Black birds Creek, bounded on the East with Deleware Bay
and River, on the North with the Head Branch of Opoque-
nimmin Creek, on the South with the Head Branches of
Black bird Creek to be erected into a manner and called by
the name of St Austins Manner which was by your Lordships
Special Warrant of the fifth day of April Anno 1671 further
Confirmed by Ordering that the same should be laid out to
none other but the said Augustin Herman possitively as may
Notwithstanding which the same is all or great part thereof
taken up Seated and Inhabited by others under his Royal
Highness's Government
Your Petitioner (to whom the said Land is Assigned by the
said Augustine Herman his Father) no ways willing or
desirous to disturb or molest any person or persons that have
taken up, Seated, or Inhabited the same as aforesaid in their
peaceable and quiet possession thereof, but withal sensible of,
and in humble manner acknowledging your Lordships Right
and Dominion thereunto and other the parts thereto Adjacent,
and being most ready and willing in all dutiful Obedience to