Ordered that Capta Ashford deliver Samuel ffendall and
Thomas Humphryes into the Custody of the Sheriff of St
Maries according to the following precept viz.
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Whereas Samuel ffendall and Thomas Humphryes of
Charles County stand charged with and accused of divers
mutinous and seditious speeches practices and attempts
against his Lspps peace and Governmt Ordered therefore that
Major William Boareman high Sheriff of St Maries County or
his Deputy Receive of Capt Lt Michael Ashford and take into
his custody the bodys of the said Samuel ffendall and Thomas
Humphryes, and them safely keepe soe that he have them
before his Lspps Justices of the Provinciall Court at the next
Provinciall Court to be holden at the City of St Maries.
Whereof he is not to faile at his perill. Dated the thirteenth
Day of October in the Sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt
honble Charles &ca Annoq Domini 1681:
To the Sheriff of St Maries Signed p ordr
County or his Deputy p J Llewellin Cl Consil
Ordered also that summons be directed to the Sheriff of
Charles County for Beaumont brother of James Beau-
mont to appeare at next Court viz.
By the Lord Propry & Council
Maryld ss :
You are hereby willed and required upon sight hereof to
summon Beaumont of your County brother of Mr James Beau-
mont that all excuses sett apart he be and personally appeare
before his Lspps Justices of the Provinciall Court at the next
Provinciall Court to be holden at the City of St. Maries the