any of his sd Deputies before such time as they be Received
into the Office to be recorded, and further proposes Major
Thomas Taylor of Dorchester County as a person very fitt
and capable to manage the said Office
Majr Thos. Taylor appd Examinr & Depty Sur. Genll
The board is of opinion that (Mr Clement Hill late Examinr
Genll being by his Lsps favour advanced to a place of greate
honr and the Surveyr Genll haveing of his owne choice repre-
sented Majr Taylor as a person fitt and capable to succeed in
the said Office) the said choice may stand, and as a testimony
of their approbation doe appoint Majr Thomas Taylor Examiner
and Deputy Surveyr Genll of this Province if upon Examina-
tion he shall be found capable and will give his attendance at
his Office, and doe give bond with Security accordingly
Proclama to progue Assembly to the last Tuesday in
Octob: 1686:
By the Depties Lievetents
A Proclamation
Maryland ss:
Whereas by Proclamation beareing date the third day of
October last past it was therein and thereby published, and
declared that a generall Assembly of this Province should be
called and conveened to sitt at the City of St Maries on the
last Tuesday in this instant March, which said last Tuesday in
March being now neere at hand, and noe urgent occasions or
affaires relateing to the State and wellfare of this Province
now offering wch might require the conveeneing and sitting of
the said Assembly on the said last Tuesday in March instant,
Wee have thought fitt, and doe hereby fully resolve determine
and ordeine that the said Generall Assembly be prorogued
untill the last Tuesday in October next ensueing the date