and every of them come and psonally appeare at the said City
of St Maries on the said last Tuesday in October next ensue-
ing, to Doe and consent to those things which shall then and
there by the favour of God happen to be ordeined, by and
with the advice and consent of the greate Councill of this Pro-
vince, concerning the State and wellfare of this Province; As
also to give notice to such of his Lsps Councill as Inhabitt
within their respective Counties, that (all excuses sett apart)
they also be and appeare at the day and place aforesaid to the
end and purpose aforesaid.
Given at the City of St Maries under the greate Seale of
this Province of Maryland the ffifth day of March in the
Eleaventh yeare of the Dominion of the Rt Honble Charles &c.
Annoq Domini. 1685: