in ordr to determine and make their award therein.
Signed p ordr
J Llewellin
Cl Consil
Symon Willmer appointed Coroner for Kent County
Richard Keene Coronr for Calvert County appointed
Coll. Darnall's motion concerning Xtina fort at the
heads of the rivers.
The honble Coll Henry Darnall informes the board that
besides his Lsps generall Lettrs to his Councill, he had recd,
pticular and especiall commands from his Lspp: to take all
effectuall care imaginable for the Security and safe guard of
the ffrontires and heads of the Rivers from any fforreign Inva-
sions or incroachmts to be made upon any part of his Lsps
claime, and more especially had recommended to him the
maintenance; of the ffort at Xtina bridge, wherefore he prayed
the consideration and ordr of this board what fitt and necessary
to be done therein.