Taillor & Burges accts Exd
Came Mr Thomas Burford Attorney for Coll Thomas Taillor
and Mr Kenelm Cheseldine Attorney for Coll Wm Burges
admitted, and proceed to argue the pticulars of said Taillors
accot brought agt sd Burges, and beginn with the second
Article Dr 16000l tobo
Which Article Coll Burges objects agt and alledges that
Coll Taillor hath been satisfied the same as did appeare to his
Lsp before he went for England, and he doubts not but some
of his Lsps accts if to be produced would make it appeare.
Coll Darnall is desired to make inspection unto all his Lsps
bookes of Accts whither any such thing be there to be found in
favour of the said Burges.
His Lspps booke of accts No 2 is produced wherein George
Burges late Sheriff of Anne Arrundell County hath creditt
upon his accot for the just summe of 16000' tobo by a note
drawne on him paya to Coll Taillor which is thought to be in
discharge of the 2d Article of this acct.
Coll Taillor called and hath shewn unto him the said George
Burges acct in his Lsps sd Booke, To which for answer he saith
that that Article of 16000' tobo for wch Burges hath Creditt as
pd to him sd Taylor may be for some other concernes betweene
his Lsp & him whereof at prsent (not haveing his bookes here)
he cannot exactly give an account; but insists that he has
made oath to his acct now exhibited agt sd Burges, and hopes
it may be allowed of, and further to confirme the same prayes
the reheareing of the severall Depositions of James Ellis,
Sarah Willowby and Walter Carr wch were accordingly read.
Majr Nicholas Sewall desired to declare what he knoweth of
the difference betweene Coll Taillor & Coll Burges, in their
accts and what he might have heard his Lsp say concerning the
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