Therefore your Honors humble Pef humbly beggs and
craves your Honors to take the premisses into your most
serious consideracons and to grant him an ordr that he may
not be any further prosecuted or troubled in and about the
aforesaid ffine, but that the same may be remitted, and your
Honors humble Petr discharged from the payment of the ffine
And your Honors humble Petr as in duty bound shall ever
pray &ca
Wch was granted and the petition thus subscribed.
By the Councill
March 3d 1685:
The fine assessed upon the petr is hereby wholly remitted
as to his Lsps part thereof, and therefore Ordered that all
further suite or prosecution against him in that behalf doe
cease. Signed p ordr
John Llewellin
Cl Consil
Nantecoke Indians — 2 Murderers — Order in Council concerning
Returne made of an ordr of this board directed to the honble
Coll Wm Stevens and Major Thomas Taillor together with one
Christopher Nutter Interpreter the 30th day of Septembr last
past for the retreive of two Indians subjects to the Emperor of
Nantecoke committed for the murdr of one Griffin Evans late
Servant of Mr Daniel Clarke the sd two Indians haveing broke
loose and made their Escape viz:
Dorchester ss:
By vertue of Instructions to us directed by the honble Coun-
cill dated the thirteenth day of Septemb 1685 to treate with
the Emperour of Nantecoke concerning One Sampson an
Indian, which was delivered up by Nicodepeto the Emperours