nington and others whom he had so egregiously offended, who
noe sooner reed: your petrs submission but he freely granted
your petr the promise of Interceedeing with yr Honors for his
pardon, and the releasemt of his bond and tedious Imprisonmt
Your Honors petr therefore humbly prayes that his enlargemt
and discharge of his bond aforesaid (Mr Penningtons request
being hereunto annexed) may by your Honors be mercifully
granted to your Petr
And your Petr as in Duty bound shall ever pray &cs Wch
petition was thus subscribed (viz:)
March 3d 1685: By the Councill
Referred to the Provinciall Court
Maryland ss. Signed p ordr
J Llewellin Cl Consil
John Cassocks petition
To the honble the Depty Governors of the Province of Maryland
The humble petition of John Casock of Charles County
Submissively sheweth
That whereas your Honors humble petr at a Court held in
Charles County for the Rt honble the Lord Propry on the nineth
day of Novemb: in the yeare of our Lord 1685: was prsented
by the grand Inquest for the body of the County aforesaid, for
dealeing with some negros (belonging to the honble Coll.
William Digges Esqr) for two bushells of Indian pease, for
which your petr did honestly satisfie and pay the said negros,
And whereas the honble Coll Wm Digges Esqr aforesaid upon
your petrs request to him made as for his owne pt did remitt
and discharge your petr yett your Honrs humble Pef was
prosecuted in the said Court, on the behalf of the Rt honble the
Lord Propry and for the same was ffined one thousand pounds
of tobacco, according to act of Assembly in that case made and
provided; Soe if your Honrs humble petr be compelled to pay
the same, it will be very much to his impoverishing and ruine,
he being a poore man and antient, and almost past his labour,
and also having a charge of children to maintaine.