Lib. R. R. R.
His Lsp cannot beleive Mr Blakiston has been served (as he
alledges in his sd Lettr) with any Warrts or has been threat-
ened in that manner as he has writt, and therefore humbly
beggs that enquiry may be made of such persons as are lately
come from those parts, of whom the truth of all this may be
easily knowne, though it may very possibly be, that he has
been arrested at the Suites of his many Creditors it being
knowne to many that he is much in debt, and has been soe for
many yeares.
Coll: Willm Digges one of his Lsps Collectors is knowne by
severall Eminent Mrchants here to be a pson of soe much
Loyalty as that he would not be guilty of those foule things
laid to his charge, in the said Lettr And twere to be wished that
Mr Blakiston had at all times exprest his Loyalty to the King
as amply as the said Digges has alwaies done both in Vir-
ginia and Maryland.
Tis not possible for any person that undrstands the trade
of Maryland to beleive his Majtie should be prjudiced Severall
thousand pounds, if his Lsps Officers should be as mali-
cious and as wicked as the said Blackiston doth endeavour
by his Lre to represent them, ffor whilest Mr Christopher
Rousby lived, who understood the Office well, and knew as
much as any pson how to make the most of it, there never
was much above one hundred pounds in one yeare reed, by
him, for soe he often declared to his Lsp: 'tis strange therefore
to his Lsp: as also to all Dealers and traders thither that Mr
Blakiston should find out, that it is possible for his Lsps Officers
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by any obstructions which he saies is given by them, to preju-
dice his Majtie in soe high a measure, were they soe undutifull
and impudent as to doe it in any matter whatsoever.
But Mr Blakiston takes care to signifie that he doubts he
shall receive little Tobacco this yeare. and gives this as a
reason that his Lsps Officers threaten the Masters of vessells
that in case they pay not the penny p pound duty to them,
they shall be sued and their vessells seized, and yett notwith-
standing this Complaint his Lsp is ready to make it appeare,
that the said Blakiston had received severall thousand pounds
of Tobacco, even afore he had writt that Lettr and the same had
paid away to his Creditors who never had any hopes of being
satisfied by him untill he had obteined his Majties Comon this
will be prooved if required; soe that Mr Blakiston had noe
other way, this yeare to make up his accompts with the Comrs
of his Majties customs but by prtending greate obstructions
from his Lsps Officers.
What Mr Blakiston has mentioned concerning Majr Sewall is
as untrue as the rest of his Letr for when the said Sewall had
given him notice of Severall Irish Vessells he intended to seize,