His Lsp: attended accordingly and then putt in his answer in
The Lord Baltemores Answer to the Complaints of Mr Nehe-
miah Blakiston mentioned in his Lettr to the Com" of his
Maj'ies customs dated the 20th of Aprill 1685:
It plainely appeareth by a Lettr from the Governor of Vir-
ginia to the Deputies of Maryland, that the escape made by
George Talbott out of prison was occasioned by the corruption
of the guard, and not procured by any Persons of Maryland,
as is falsely suggested in the Lettr of the said Blackiston. And
that as soone as the Governor of Virginia had given notice to
the Deputies of Maryland of the said Talbotts escape ;
especiall care was taken immediately by them for his appre-
hension, as appeareth by the Hue and crye sent out into all
parts of the Province, besides what other waies & meanes
could be used for the speedy bringing in of the said Talbott,
who never was publickly seen at his owne plantation (though
the contrarie is affirmed by the said Blakiston) but alwaies
kept himself out in the mountaines to the northward, untill at
last he resolved to Surrender himself to the deputies of Mary-
land, where now he is under a strong guard, to be disposed off
as his Majtie shall think fitt.
His Lsp is very confident, Mr Blackiston has noe just cause
to complain of his being discountenanced in the execution of
his place, for that he very well knowes his Officers dare not
presume to offer any contempt, nor shew the least disrespect
either to his pson or commission nor would they prsume to
disswade Masters of vessells from prsenting themselves and
their certificates . to his Majties Officers, His Lsp haveing long
since ordered that they should apply themselves to the Kings
Collector as well as to his owne, and such was the practice
whilest Mr Christopher Rousby was liveing, and the truth of
this may be easily knowne, from severall Masters of ships,
Lib, R. R. R.
P. 305
and others now in Towne; After Mr Christopher Rousby was
soe unfortunately killed by George Talbott, the Depties of
Maryland did prsume to appoint Coll Wm Digges, and Major
Nichs Sewall, (both of them persons of good repute and
Estates) to Officiate as Collect' of his Majties Dues, untill
another person could be appointed by the Comrs of his Majties
Customs, and this they thought their duty to take care to
doe, that his Majties affaires might receive the less prjudice by
that wicked Act of the said Talbott, and his Lsp doubts not but
the said persons soe appointed will give a just accot of their
proceedings to the Comrs of his Majties customs.
p. 306