with me or my Deputies, for Tobacco to pay the Duties in the
whole Province, and for those and what else comes in, shall
transmitt bills of Exca payable according to the directions
formerly given by your Honors Instructions to Mr Xpher
Rousby, which measures I humbly conceive is most proper for
me to take till further ordr I heare some of the said Collector
have lately clandestinely cleared & reed: his Majties Duties of
some Tobacco, and as to that I shall make thorough Inspection,
and endeavor your Honors speedy Informacon Majr Nicholas
Sewall one of the aforesaid Councill and Collecto" at Pottuxen
Entred some Irish and some other ships, which upon my sus-
picon of their being transgresso" of the Lawes of Trade, I told
him of the Irregularity of such pceedings, in giving Entryes
Lib. R. R. R.
and permitts of Trade, without the Knowledge and Assent of
the Chiefe Officer of his Majties customs for the time being,
and demanded the cocquetts& Certificates (if any) brought by
the Mastrs of those ships, but the sd Sewall deferred delivery
thereof, and suspecting that either I or Capt Allen by my ordr
would seize on them, immediately sent notice to those masters
of their dangers, and promised them all favour upon their
submitting their shipps to their seizures, which was complyed
with, and accordingly prosecuted, and the shipps brought to
condemnation by a private Court appointed for that purpose
and all this is done as appeares, and cann be fully prooved, to
prevent our proceedings and just Execution of our Comissions
in behalf of his Majtie; in like manner there was some pro-
hibited goods putt on shoare neere St Maries from on board
of a shipp that fled from me out of Pottuxent River, The said
goods with all speed were seized by the said Major Sewall and
Coll: Darnall, who appointed a tryall for the same, In which
Business they might have had witnesses enough, besides there
was the Depositions of some persons, who are still resident in
the Province, whose proofe could have effected the condemna-
tion of the said goods, notwithstanding all this which they well
knew were cleared and acquitted, and those materiall wit-
nesses never summoned in the business, The ship which
imported these goods and commodityes was soon after the
landing of them mett with, and seized p Capt Allin, to whom
I sent directions to that purpose, and when the ship was soe
seized, and a tryall demanded in his Majties behalf, which was
denyed him by one of the principall Ministers and Officers of
this Governmt Capt Allin then carryed the said ship to his
Majties Court in Virginia, where I was forc't to dismiss my
prosecution agt her, and tooke the masters bond in his Majties
behalf to answer your Honors in England, and all for the
reasons recited and expressed in the condition of the said
Bond, a coppy whereof I have here inclosed, by all which pro-