452 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R.
many frauds past undetected: My Lord Baltemores Councill
have also assumed a power to themselves to Depute another
to be Collector in Severall Rivers; to leavy and receive all his
Majties rates duties and Impositions payable by the act of the
,25th yeare of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord the King, And
for my disowneing and not complyeing with those appointed
(and I hope your Honors will not blame me for saying spurri-
ously empowered) Collecto" and for my dissenting from their
proceedings, I have been served with warrants to appeare
before some of them, and then threatned me with bringing me
to the Provinciall Court, and with infliction of severall pun-
ishmu banishment, and utter ruine of me and my family, one
of them especially by name Coll Wm Digges Domineeres and
tells me I shall not maintaine my Cofnission here, unless by
great gunns, as Capt Allen doth, whom he and the rest strive
to calumniate, and ignominiously tearme him a pyrate, and
endeavour to throw all such like base scurrilous aspersions
against him, me, and both our Commissions, but notwithstand-
ing all threatnings and difficulties I shall proceed to the best
of my knowledge and endeavors to execute the Dutyes of my
place and Cofnission, especially in what I see may most con-
p. 302
duce to his Majties Interest and service in the present Circum-
stances and Exigence of affaires here; wherein I hope your
Honors will approve me and make it knowne, that his Majties
Officer shall be owned and supported in that legall and indu-
bitable authority derived from your Honors against all opposers
and adversaries of his Majties Soveraignty, which by those
practices and present methods vsed, is endeavoured to be
excluded this Province; as to wch I humbly beg your Honors
mediation for his Majties true informacon that a course may be
taken to repell and remedy those growing and intolerable
insolencyes,and illegall doeings under which his Majties Officers
heretofore have ever been sufferers, and now after them I expect
the same, or as bad useage to compleate the hard measure
I mett with already, unless speedy care be had for the preven-
tion of the dangers and mischiefes that certainely impend me
in prosecution of his Majties Service in this Countrey, I am con-
fident his Majtie is prejudiced severall thousand pounds by the
obstruction and confusion that's caused in his Majties affaires
and concernes here, and I doubt his Revenue from the dutyes
of the penny p pound for Tobacco, will proove but small this
yeare by reason many Mrchants and Masters bound for others
of his Majties plantations would have carryed Tobacco, but have
been threatned by the aforesaid Collectors to seize their shipps
and be sued, if they paid any Duties but to themselves, where-
upon they being discouraged and frightened have declined
carrying any Tobacco, I know as yett but of two Entries made