charged, and will then in convenient time, and as good method
as he cann render his reasonable answer and proofes in his
Ordered thereupon by this board that the said Blackiston
have time till the next Provinciall Court wch will beginn the
last Tuesday in Aprill next; to make his answer and produce
what Evidences he cann in his Defence; and that in ordr
thereunto, summons for what Evidences he shall nominate be
at any time granted him by any one of the Councill, and that
coppy of his said Lettr be delivered him by the Clk of the
Councill if required.
The said Blackistones Lettr and his Lsps answer thereto
being both read were ordered to be entred as followeth (vizt)
Mr Nea Blackistons Lre. to the Comrs cont" a charge agt this
May it please your Honors
I hope my Lettr of the 10th of Novemb: last sent via Vir-
ginia, and my Duplicate of the same in another Ship, is come
safe to your hands, since which I mett with diverse Testi-
monyes & experiencies of the truth of what Intelligence I therein
gave to your Honrs The most horrid Murder of his Majties
Collector here, hath been and is daily seconded, with very
apparent tokens of approvenr both from Talbott the bloody
malefactor and all his adherents, who are busie in extenuateing
his crime, and have conspired a'nd procured his Escape from
prison in Virginia, and from thence transported him into