Lib. R. R. R.
in the Execution of his office, or concerning the same, or have
comitted any thing to the prjudice of the governmt wherewith
he cann be charged, he humbly conceives it ought to be in due
forme of Law, and not by any proceedings against him here,
by which he thinkes he ought not to be concluded.
To which is answered, that this board denyes any intend-
ment of concludeing him by their proceedings now, but onely
fairely and moderately in the prsence of the Kings Survr to
argue and debate the matter in hand, in ordr to cleare them-
selves, before his Majtie and all persons of the imputations
charged on them by the sd Blackiston in his sd Letter
He desires to be proceeded against in due method and
forme, and to have convenient time allowed him to make his
answer, and that if he shall have occasion to make use of any
Evidences he may have their Honors assistance by their ordr to
some of his Lsps Justices of the peace, for the takeing of such
Depositions as he shall produce in his behalf; and that he
may not be circumscribed as to time and place, but may have
liberty to make his Defence at any time before he depart this
Province, or some time this Season of Shipping.
The Board ordrs that he may have coppy of the said Lettr
(if delivered) but first they desire him, to answer whither or
noe he owne any such Lettr by him written, according to the
coppy now read.
He refuses positively to answer thereto, but craves coppy
thereof and then will in convenient time putt in his Responses,
and hopes they will proceed against him in due forme accord-
ing to law otherwise such proceedings as these will but afford
new matter of complaint
Mr George Layfield the Kings Comptroller and Survr Genll
is desired by the board to take cognizance, that they will ordr
the said Blackiston to have coppy of his Lettr and give him
convenient time to answer, and if then he refuse or delay to
make his defence, it will wholly rest at his doore, and be noe
waies imputeable to this Governmt who are now and alwaies
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ready to vindicate and cleare themselves of all the calumnies
and aspersions throwne upon them, and will assist the sd
Blackiston what they cann in takeing such Depositions and
Evidences as he shall produce in his defence.
The said Comptroller declares himself well Satisfied with
the Integrity of this Government and their readiness to cleare
& vindicate themselves from what hath been imputed to them,
and acknowledges all ready and willing complyance from
them, in assisting him upon all occasions in the execution of
his Office, for his Majties service and Interest here.
The said Mr Blackiston further saith, that he desires to have
coppy of what hath been read to him, and wherewith he is