At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the 3d Day of
March Anno Dmi. 1685:
Coll Thomas Tailler
the honble J Coll Vincent Lowe
Coll Henry Darnall
Coll Wm Digges
Coll William Stevens
Major Nichs Sewall
Mr Clemt Hill
Mr Nehemiah Blackiston haveing (according to ordr) advice
given him by the Clk of the Councill, that he was desired to
attend the board this day, accordingly makes his appeareance
and hath read unto him coppy of a Lettr by him writt to the
Rt honble the Com" of his Majties customs in London, bearing
date the 20th Day of Aprill last past, therein chargeing the
Governmt here with disrespect and contempt to his Majties
concerns and affaires here, in discountenanceing & obstruct-
ing, his Officers in the Managemt and collecting of his Majties
Duties and customs here within this Province,
Mr George Layfield the Kings Survr Gen" was also
admitted to be present at the heareing and debate thereof