County, I then stood indebted unto Coll Tailler a considerable
summe of Tobacco, and was obleiged by a bond to procure an
ordr for the said Tobacco upon the Sheriff of Anne Arrundell
County. And did thereupon supplicate my Lord to pay and
satisfie unto Coll Tailler the full quantity of Sixteene thousand
pounds of tobacco in the same County. Upon which ordr I
had my bond delivered up, Coll Tailler was well satisfied with
the same ordr but the yeare following or the latter end of that
yeare I cannot well tell Coll Tailler told me that the sheriff had
not complyed with my Lord's ordr and that he should be forced
to stay till another yeare for his Tobacco; My Lord told me
also that he had given Coll Tailler an ordr for the Sixteene
thousand pounds of tobacco in Anne Arrundell County which
was due to me from his Lsp:
Sworne in Councill this 2d Day of March 1685:
Signed p ordr
John Llewellin Cl Consil
Coll Taillor's proofc of the 2d Article of his acct
The said Coll Tailler p his Attorney proceeds to the proofe
of his acco' and beginns with the 2d Article, in ordr whereunto
he prayes inspection may be had into his Lsps bookes of Accts
made up and left by his Lsp: in this Province at his depture for
England, which being accordingly done it appeared by his Lsps
Booke No 1: that the said Coll Taillor was therein charged
with the summe of Sixteene thousand pounds of tobacco
ordered him in the hands of Mr Robert ffrancklyn, and hath
Creditt given him by his Lsp for the said summe upon the
accot of Mr Vansweeringen.
Coll Burges objection
The said Burges by his Attorney for plea alledges that the
said Tailler hath been duely satisfied the said summe of Six-
teene thousand pounds of tobacco, as did plainely appeare to