p. 295
The said. Tailler by his said Attrney then produced severall
Depositions in his behalf as foll (viz:)
James Ellis Depos:
James Ellis of Anne Arrundell County maketh oath that he
the said Deponent came to the house of Mr Robert ffrancklyn
then high sheriff of the said County in June or July being the
summer before he dyed, And the said ffrancklyn then in his
Porch told the said Deponent that he had accompted with the
two greate Gods of the Earth (meaneing Coll Taillor &
Coll Surges) upon which the said Deponent asked the said
ffrancklyn, whither he found Creditt given him for all the
tobaccos reed: by him the Deponent for the use of Coll Taillor,
who answered and said that he had, and if ever it lay in his
power to serve him (the said Coll Tailler meaneing) he would
be ever ready, for I owe him (the said Taylor meaneing) a
greate quantity of Tobaccos, and he the said Taylor never
asked for one lyne from undr my hand; and as for Coll
Burges I had much to doe to pswade him to take my bond
for what I owed him (meaneing the said Burges) without 10
p Ct forbeareance: And further the said Dept saith, that he
did heare the sd ffrancklyn say that he the sd ffrancklyn had
ballanced all his private accompts with Coll Taylor the first