Ordered also that the Attorney Genll appeare for the Com-
plainant to sett forth his Case.
Thomas Grunwin Clk. of St Maries County Court according
to prcept of the agth September last makes returne of that
County Court proceedings against Capt John Coode wch being
read ordered that summons issue for the Commissionr present
at the said proceedings wch accordingly did as followeth viz.
By the Rt honble the Lord Propry
Maryld ss: & Councill
You are hereby willed and required to summon Capt Gerard
Slye, William Hatton, Richard Lloyd, Joshua Doyne, Clement
Hill, James Bowleing, Joseph Pyle, George Thompson, Wil-
liam Boareman Junr John Dent, and Richard Gardner of St
Maries County gentl that all excuses sett apart they and
every of them be and personally appeare before his Lspps Jus-
tices of the Provinciall Court at the next Provinciall Court to
be holden at the City of St Maries the Eighth Day of Novem-
ber next ensueing to testifye in behalf of the Rt honble the Lord
Propry against Capt John Coode the truth of their knowledge
to such matters and things as shall then and there be pro-
posed unto them whereof they are not to faile at their perill.
Dated at S( Maries the Eighth day of October in the Sixth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &c Annoq
Domini 1681 :
To the Sheriff of St Maries Signed p ordr
County or his Deputy p J Lewellin Cl Consil.
Then read in Councill a Petition preferred formerly by
Stephen Gary Sheriff of Dorchester County to his Lspp and his
Lspps answere thereunto endorsed on the back side viz.
May it please your Lspp and honourable Councill that your
Lspp Comon of peace hath few in number in Dorchester County
onely Eight whose names are Mr William Stevens, Major
Thomas Taylor, Mr John Brooke, Mr William Dorringto'n who
are of the Quorum but the sd Dorrington refuseth the Oath
for Conscience sake: of the Justices Mr Bartholomew Ennalls,
Mr Charles Hutchins, Mr John Alford, Mr Henry Hooper, soe