was wanting although he was then present but lay under
Ordered that new Commissions issue for the said Court
leaving out thereof James Stavely
Accordingly new Commissions ut in fo: 215: 216: 217:
Issued to :
Augustine Herman
Henry Ward
of the Quoru
Capt Joseph Hopkins
James ffrisby
William Peerce
William Dare
George Warner
Upon a petition to this board preferred by James Peterkin
of Dorchester County against Stephen Gary Sheriff and
others Inhabitants of the same County issued this following
order of Councill
Maryld ss. By the Lord Propry & Councill
Whereas Complaint hath this day been made to his Lspp and
Councill by James Peterkin of Dorchester County that Stephen
Gary Sheriff of the said County and others combineing and
intending fraudulently to deceive the said Peterkin of his just
right and property have illegally and unjustly proceeded in
the execution of a warrt to him the sd Sheriff directed for the
summoning of a jury to lay out the bounds of Capt Anthony
Dawsons land in Transquaking River in the County afore-
said by Impanelling such persons for Jurors as were by him
the said Peterkin justly excepted against to the greate Damage
and Detriment (almost utter ruine) of the said Peterkin.
Ordered therefore that as well the said Sheriff as also the
jurors aforesd present at laying out of the said Land together
with Michael Mason one of the Evidences, and the Commis-
sionrs also thereunto authorised and appointed (all Excuses
sett apart) they & every of them be and personally appeare
before his Lspp & Councill at the City of St Maries at the next
Provll Court then and there to answer and further inform his
Lspp concerning the premisses, and what else shall be alledged
by the Complainant who is also to be there personally present
to make good his Information. Whereof lett none faile at