Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 437
Lowe to be our Survey' Genll of all & singular our Castles,
Lordshipps, Mannors fforrests, Chaces, Parkes, Messuages,
Lands, Tenernts woods, Rents, Revenues, possessions and
Hereditamts whatsoever in our said Province of Maryland, and
doe hereby grant unto him the said Vincent Lowe, all vayles,
ffees, reguards, and advantages, profitts and allowances what-
soever to the said Office belonging or appertaineing as fully
and Intirely, and in as full and ample manner and forme as
any other of our Surveyors Generall ever had held or enjoyed
Lib. R. R. R.
the same, To have and to hold enjoy and exercise the afore-
said Office by himself or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies
with all things thereunto belonging dureing our pleasure;
Commanding also and by these prsents firmely enjoyneing all
and singular our Sheriffes and other Officers and ministers,
and all other people within our said Province of Maryland,
that they be assisting and aideing to him the said Vincent
Lowe, and his Deputy and Deputies in the execution of the
aforesaid Office, from time to time as occasion shall require,
and becometh them to doe. Given under our hand and lesser
Seale at armes this Twelfth day of August in the Tenth yeare
of our Dominion over our said Province of Maryland, and in
the yeare of our Lord One thousand Six hundred Eighty and
Wch sd Comon was thus Indorsed (viz:)
Wee Doe hereby authorise Henry Darnall and William
Digges gentl, or either of them, to administer the oath of our
Surveyr Genll of our Province of Maryland unto the within
named Vincent Lowe gentl, whom we have appointed our
Surveyr Genll of our said Province
Given at London under our hand this 21th of Septemb: 1685:
C: Baltemore
Sworne the 28th of Novemb. 1685.
Wm Digges
p. 284
Swithen Wells pet.
To the honble his Lsps Councill in Council sitting
The humble Petition of Swithen Wells Sheweth
That whereas your Petr upon a certain Complaint made to
this board of severall misdemeanors said to be comitted by your
Petr in Cecil County Court, your Petr was by ordr from your
Honors committed to the custody of the Sheriff of said County
to make his psonall appeareance at this prsent Provll Court, to
answer the said Misdemeanors and whereas your petr is already
cleared by publick Proclamation at the said County Court as