436 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R
. Given under our hand and Lesser Seale at Armes this
Twentieth day of August in the Tenth yeare of our Dominion
over our sd Province of Maryland, And in the yeare of our
Lord one thousand six hundred Eighty & five
Wch Cornission was thus endorsed (viz:)
Wee Doe hereby Authorise William Digges and Nicholas
Sewall gentl to administer the Oath of our Chiefe Judge or
Judges for probate of wills &ca of our Province of Maryland
unto the wthin named Henry Darnall & Clemt Hill gentl:
Given at London undr our hand this 21th of Sept. 1685
C: Baltemore
P. 28
Judges of Probate &c. sworne.
Accordingly this Eight and Twentyeth day of November
1685 was the Oath of Judge of probate of wills &ca Admin-
istred by Coll William Digges and Major Nicholas Sewall unto
Coll Henry Darnall and Mr Clement Hill in the foregoeing
Cornission named and appointed Commissaryes and judges
for probate of wills &ca within this Province.
Keepers Comon
C: Baltemore
Wee Doe hereby Authorise and Require our Trusty and
well beloved Councellors and Chiefe Secretaries William Digges
and Nicholas Sewall Esqrs or either of them, to deliver our
greate Seale of our Province of Maryland, unto Our trusty and
well beloved Councellor Henry Darnall Esqr whom by the
delivery thereof wee appoint Our Keeper of the same dureing
our pleasure Hereby also Empowering the said Digges and
the said Sewall or either of them to administer the usuall Oath
of Keeper of our greate Seale unto the said Henry Darnall.
Witness our hand and lesser Seale at Armes this 9th Day of
Septemb: 1685:
Surveyr Genlls Comon to Vincent Lowe Esqr
C: Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca Being confi-
dent in the Integrity and ability of Vincent Lowe Esqr now
resideing and being in our said Province of Maryland We doe
by these prsents constitute and appoint him the said Vincent