Darnall and William Digges gentl to administer the same
oath unto Thomas Taillor, and Vincent Lowe gentl. Given
at London this 21th day of September 1685:
C: Baltemore
The said Commission and Indorsemt transmitted to the
Provll Court to be read there, and for the Justices there to be
Secretaries Comission
C: Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c: To all to
whom these prsents shall come greeteing. Know yee that
wee Reposeing especiall trust and confidence in the fidelity
prudence care and circumspection of our Trusty and well
beloved William Digges Esqr and Nicholas Sewall Esqr
now being and resideing in our said Province of Mary-
land Have given and granted, And for us our heires
Assignes doe by these prsents give and grant unto the
said William Digges and Nicholas Sewall The Office of
Chiefs and Principall Secrys of our sd Province of
Maryld and of all and singular our dominions and Territoryes
thereunto belonging, and of the custody and keepeing of the
Scales, Records & Registryes of the sd office of chiefe &
Principall Secretaries and of all other, the Acts Ordinances
Records, Journalls & Registryes of our sd Province Dominions
and Territoryes, and of the Entring Recording, Inrolling,
Registrying Exemplifyeing and keepeing of all and singular
the Acts Ordinances, Patients Grants Jornalls Records and
Registryes made or to be made within our said Province of
Maryland Dominions and Territoryes, or thereunto belong-
ing. And them the said William Digges and Nicholas Sewall
wee doe by these prsents make ordeine and Constitute
our Chiefe and Principall Secrys of our sd Province of Mary-
land, and of all and singular our Dominions and Territoryes
thereunto belonging and Keepers of the Scales Records and
Registryes of the said Office of Chiefe and Principall Secrys,
and Keepers and Registrs of all and singular the Atts Ordi-
nances, Records Journalls and Registryes made or to be made
Lib. R. R. R.
within our sd Province of Maryland Dominions and Terri-
toryes, or thereunto belonging. To have hold occupy pos-
sess Enjoy and Exercise the said Office of Chiefe and Princi-
pall Secrys and Keepers of the Scales Records Journalls and
Registryes of the same, And Keepers and Registers of all and
singular the Acts ordinances Records Journalls and Registryes
made or to be made within our said Province of Maryland
p. 280