Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 431
doe hereby revoke repeale adnull and make void all and every
former Commission and Cqmissions, Lettrs Pattents, Orders
and Authoritys whatsoever by us att any time heretofore for-
merly given, for the erecting createing constituteing or
appointing of a privy Councill within our said Province or the
dominions thereto belonging or for the createing or appointe-
ing any pson or psons to be of our private secreet or con-
tinuall Councill there.
Given undr our hand and the Lesser Seale at Armes this
Eighteenth day of August in the Tenth yeare of our Dominion
over our sd Province of Maryland, And in the yeare of our
Lord One thousand Six hundred Eighty and five.
Lib. R. R. R.
On the back of the foregoeing Comon was endorsed (viz:)
Wee Doe hereby authorise Henry Darnall and William
Digges gentl, or either of them to administer the usuall oath
of our Councellor of our Province of Maryland to the Gen-
tlemen named in the Comission on the other side; And we
doe also hereby authorise Nicholas Sewall, and Clement Hill
gentl to administer the same unto the sd Henry Darnall and
William Digges. Given under our hand in London this 21th
Day of September 1685
C: Baltemore
Accordingly this 28th Day of Novemb 1685 in Councill was
the oath of privy Councellor Adminr by Coll Darnall and Coll
Digges to Major Nicholas Sewall and Mr Clement Hill And
by sd Sewall & Hill was the same oath administred to the sd
Coll Darnall and Coll Digges.
p. 277
Provll Court Comission
C: Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To all and
singular our sheriffes and Chiefe Officers, and all others of our
Province of Maryland aforesaid Greeteing.
Whereas aswell for our owne conservation, as for the Con-
servation of the peace & tranquility of our said Province, And
to the end that Justice and Equity may be duely and Impartially
Administred, to all and every person and psons, Bodyes poli-
tick and corporate of and within our Province of Maryland
aforesaid. Wee have constituted Assigned and appointed, and
doe hereby Constitute Assigne and appoint, our Trusty and
well beloved Henry Coursey Esqr to be our Chiefe Justice of
our Provll Court of our said Province of Maryland dureing