Lib. R. R. R.
The oath of Depty Lievetenant was then Administred by
Coll Henry Darnall & Coll Wm Digges, to Major Nichs Sewall
& Mr Clement Hill. And by sd Major Sewall, and Mr Hill
administred to the said Coll Henry Darnall and Coll Wm
Privy Councills Comon
C: Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all the
Inhabitants of our Province of Maryland, and all others whom
these prsents may concerne. Know yee that we have consti-
tuted assigned and appointed and doe by these prsents con-
stitute assigne and appoint our trusty and well beloved Coun-
cellor Thomas Taillor Esqr our trusty and well-beloved Vincent
Lowe Esqr our trusty and well beloved Henry Darnall Esqr
our trusty and well beloved Wm Digges Esqr our trusty and
well beloved William Stevens Esqr our trusty and well beloved
William Burges Esqr our trusty and well beloved Nicholas
Sewall Esqr our trusty and well beloved Edward Pye Esqr our
trusty and well beloved Thomas Trueman Esqr and our trusty
and well beloved Clement Hill Esqr to be of our private
Seecrett and continuall Councill to us and to our Deputies for
the time being of our sd Province for and in relation to all
affaires of State and for and in relation to the makeing of
peace and warr, and the good Governance and ordering of all
affaires relateing to the same in our sd Province dureing our
pleasure. And we doe further assigne constitute and appoint
that they the said Thomas Taillor, Vincent Lowe, Henry Dar-
nall, William Digges, William Stevens, William Burges,
Nicholas Sewall, Edward Pye, Thomas Trueman and Clement
Hill, or any three or more of them, (of which we will that the
said Henry Darnall, William Digges, and Nicholas Sewall or
any two or One of them be alwaies present) shall in our
absence be a full sufficient and Compleate Councill for the
ends and purposes aforesaid willing and by these prsents
requireing and firmely enjoyneing all psons of our sd Province
and Dominions aforesaid, that in all things relateing to the
prmisses they give Obedience unto our sd Councill, and to all
such ordrs and Commands as shall from time to time be made
and given by our sd Councill, or any three or more of them
(of which the said Henry Darnall, William Digges, and
Nicholas Sewall, or any two or one of them to be alwayes
prsent) Soe as such ordrs and Commands be consonant to
reason, and be not repugnant or contrary unto, but as neere
as conveniently may be agreeable to and with the Lawes
Statutes and customs of the Kingdom of England; And wee