428 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib R. R. R,
forfeitures incurred or to be incurr'd by any pson or psons,
Bodyes politick or corporate within our said Province and
Dominions or any of them for or by reason of any crime or
crimes Offence or Offences committed or to be committed
against any of the Lawes Ordinances or Orders of our sd Pro-
vince heretofore made, or hereafter to be made whatsoever or
howsoever as fully and amply to all intents constructions and
purposes as Wee our Self may doe being psonally prsent in
our said Province. And also for us and in our name, and as
often as his sd Depties shall find it necessary from time to time
to call, Assemble, and summon any Generall Assembly or
Genll Assemblyes of the ffreemen of our sd Province, or of
their Depties or Delegates, for the giveing of the advice,
assent, and approbation of the ffreemen of our said Province,
to such Lawes and Acts as shall be by us at any time ordeined
made and Enacted, and undr our Seale published, and unto
which the Advice Assent and approbation of the ffreemen of
our sd Province shall be at any time requisite and necessary.
And the said Generall Assembly and Assemblies soe from
time to time called, Assembled and summoned, or to be
called Assembled or summoned from time to time, when and
as often, as his said Depties shall judge it necessary in our
p. 274
name to prorogue, or otherwise to dissolve at his said Depties
pleasure. And likewise for us and in our name and in our
absence from our sd Province, to ordeine, make and Enact by
and with the advice, assent and approbation of any such
Assembly or Assemblys soe called Assembled or summoned
as aforesaid Lawes to be of fforce, untill Wee our Self or our
Heires and Assignes Lord and Proprietary, Lords & Proprys of
the said Province shall declare or publish, or cause to be
declared or published within our sd Province, our his or their
or some of their pticular dissent or dissents, disagreement or
disagreemts to the same undr our his their or some of their
Seale or Scales; Soe as the said Lawes and Acts soe to be
ordeined, made and Enacted be consonant to reason, and be
not repugnant or contrary, but as neere as reasonably may be
agreeable to the Lawes Statutes and Customs of the Kingdom
of England and soe as the same be noe waies repugnant unto
or destructive of our rights priviledges or jurisdictions, or to
the Disinherison of us our Heires and Assignes Lords &
Propryes of the said Province, or contrary to our or their
power, Governmt or Dominion, or contrary to a certain Act of
Assembly heretofore made in the nineteenth yeare of the
Dominion of our deceased ffather of Noble memory Annoq
Dmi: One thousand Six hundred and ffifty Intituled [An Act
concerning Religion] And likewise wee doe further give and
grant unto our sd Deare Sonn dureing the time of his Exercise