386 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R,
if any such thing were, then possibly we may be mistaken in
our measures; but since wee are well assured to the contrary,
wee may (wee hope) preserve our allegiance intire to his
Majtie without infringeing his Lsps Charter; the one being soe
farr, from inconsistency with the other, that wee cannot per-
forme our duty to one, without both, being included the one
within the other: And we have been (wee conceive) soe farr
from shewing any disrespect to his Majtie that wee expected,
your Exncy might have had advice out of England before our
Lettr but are desirous and conclude to waite till we heare his
Majties resolutions, which (we question not) will be agreeable
to his Lsps Charter, and consequently contrary to your expec-
In the meane time, as we cannot but resent in some measure,
soe wee are willing to lett you see, wee observe the small
notice you seeme to take of this Governmt (contrary to that
Amicable correspondency soe often promised, and expected
p. 232
by us) in not holding us worthy to be advised of his Majties
being proclaimed, without which certainty wee have not been
enabled to doe our duty in that pticular, such advice would
have been gratefully received by
Your Exncys: most humble Servts
Tho: Taillor Nicholas Sewall
Vincent Lowe Ed: Pye.
Henry Darnall
Tho: Jones prisoner aboard Alien .
The honble Coll Wm Stevens came and informed the board
that he had just reed a Lettr from one Thomas Jones an
Inhabitant of this Province, and a person of good creditt and
repute in Somrsett County, complaineing that he was deteined
a prisoner and under hard usage aboard the Quaker Ketch,
Capt Thomas Allen Commandr for cause unknowne, and
desireing some course to be taken by their Honors for his
Whereupon was resolved and writt to Captn Alien this foll
Lettr (viz.)
Co: Letter to Captn Alien concerning Tho: Jones.
St Maries June pmo 1686:
Capt Allen
Being credibly informed that you (being within the limitts
of this Province) have taken, and deteine a prisoner in your
custody aboard your Ketch, one Thomas Jones an Inhabitant