upon receipt hereof to make publick Proclamation hereof in
the most publick and convenient places within their respective
Counties, and to give notice to all and singular the Delegates
and Deputies by the ffreemen of their Counties already
elected, or for that purpose to be Elected, that all excuses sett
apart they and every of the said Delegates and Deputies
come and psonally appeare at the said City of St Maries on
the said last Tuesday in October next ensueing, to doe and
consent to those things which then and there by the favour of
God shall happen to be ordeined by and with the advice and
consent of the greate Councill of this his Lsps Province con-
cerning the State and wellfare of the same Province, and also
to give notice to such of his Lsps Councill as Inhabit within
their respective Counties that they (all excuses sett apart)
also be and appeare at the day and place aforesaid to the end
and purpose aforesaid.
Given at the City of St Maries the Sixth day of March in
the Tenth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &c
Annoq Dmi. 1684:
Ordered that Commission be drawne for a Court of Admi-
ralty to be held by such and soe many psons as the honble
Coll Darnall & Coll Digges shall appoint for the tryall of any
shipps or Vessells within this Province upon the breach of any
the Acts of Parliamt of England and accordingly was drawne
a blank Commission for the said Coll Darnall and Coll Digges
to fill up at their pleasure, and to endure for 2 moneths (vizt:)
Commission for a Court of Admiralty.
Charles &ca To &ca Greeteing whereas we are informed that
there are and may be severall Shipps and Vessells now in this
Province, and in probability may come in hereafter, that have
soe farr transgressed his Majties Acts of Parliamt that the same
are and may be lyeable to informations for the same, And for
that there cann be nothing more advantagious to the trade of
this Province then to make a quick dispatch in the pceedings
of maritime affaires, whereby they may not lye long in sus-