pence, and putt the parties to unnecessary charge by dilatory
proceedings, and being very well assured of yor judgements,
abilities, honesties, and undrstandings in such like affaires Wee
have deputed impowered constituted, and appointed you &ca
or any ffour of you to be Judges of a Court of Admiralty for
the tryall condemnation or acquittall of such Shipp or shipps
Lib. R. R. R.
Vessell or Vessells as you or any four of you shall be in-
formed of, and made knowne are culpable in transgressing
against his Maj'ies Lawes of navigacon and other lawes that
relate to his Majties Customes, Together with their Gunns,
Tackle, ffurniture, Ammunition, apparell, and goods, & mrchan-
dizes which shall be imported or transported contrary to
the sd Lawes; And also to call and command before you all
Command" masters of Shipps or vessells, and all and every
other psons whatsoever who as well on the behalf of our
Soveraigne, and on the behalf of the Rt honble the Lord Propry
as on the part of him or themselves prosecute, And to view
peruse and looke into all papers, passes, passports, Cocketts,
Bills of Loadeing, Lettrs credentiall, and other Escripts what-
soever that shall any waies relate to or concerne the said
shipps or vessells; And issue out venires & summon Juries
and sweare the same Jurors for the purpose aforesaid And
having fully heard the allegations proofes Evidences and Tes-
timonies on all sides, and the verdicts of the Juries (if any be)
then to give your full and finall doome sentence and determi-
nation either for the Acquittall or condemnation of such shipp
or shipps vessell or vessells, together with their gunns Tackle
Ammunition and ffurniture, and also all goods Mrchandize and
commodityes seized of and informed against. And when it
shall soe happen that the Information is affirmed & such
vessell or goods condemned for breach of the Acts of Parlia-
ment in that case made, then that you appoint two or more
honest & discreete men such as to you shall seeme meete to
appraise the same, together with their gunns Ammunition and
apparell, upon their oathes wch wee doe hereby authorise you
the said &ca or any three of you to administer unto them, and
further to nominate and make choice of such pson as you or
any four of you shall think fitt to be Clerk of the said Court,
for the more full doeing manageing and transacting the
prmisses Hereby commanding you to send unto our right
trusty and well beloved Henry Darnall Esqr and William
Digges Esqr or either of them, a coppy of all and singular
your proceedings of and upon the premisses, (together with
the said appraisemt under the hands & scales of the said
Appraisors) attested under the hand of your said Clark. And
for your proceedings herein this shall be your warrant This
Commission and the powers therein granted to stand in force
p. 211