Ordered that the Assembly be prorogued to the last Tues-
day in October next ensueing, and that Proclamation issue
accordingly — wch was done as foll: (viz:)
By the Depty Govern"
Maryld ss: A Proclamation
Whereas for severall weighty and urgent occasions and
affaires relateing to the Rt honble the Lord Propry of this Prov-
ince, and the defence of the same Province, his said Ldsp did
by Proclamation beareing date the Tenth day of July 1682:
Declare the calling of a new Assembly to begin and to be
holden at the City of St Maries the Twelfth day of October then
next following, which said Assembly was by Proclamation
beareing date the nineth day of September 1682: prorogued
untill the four and Twentieth day of October then next follow-
ing, and from thence by Proclamation beareing date the said
four and Twentieth day of October was prorogued untill the
Six and Twentieth day of the said moneth, which accord-
ingly then mett and sate at the City of St Maries, and there
continued untill the Seaventeenth day of November 1682:
and was from thence further prorogued untill the first
Tuesday in March 1682: which upon the Three and
Twentieth day of January 1682: was prorogued untill the
Eighth day of May 1683: And from thence by proclamation
beareing date the third day of Aprill 1683: prorogued untill
the fourth day of September 1683: And from thence by Proc-
lamation beareing date the day of prorogued to
the October 1683: which accordingly then mett and
sate at the house of John Larkin at the Ridge in Anne Arrun-
dell County and there continued untill the Sixth day of No-
vember following, and from thence adjourned to the first day
of Aprill last past, wch accordingly then mett at the City of St
Maries, and there continued untill the Six and Twentieth day
of the same Aprill, And from thence prorogued to the first
Tuesday in Aprill 1685: and now next ensueing: which said
first Tuesday in Aprill next ensueing on wch the said Assem-
bly should again sitt being now neere at hand, and noe urgent
occasions or affaires relateing to the State or wellfare of this
p. 209