Lib. R. R. R.
The same warrant to the Sher. of Baltemore County
It being credibly reported and informed to this board that
severall malitious and ill affected persons to the good and
wellfare of this Province have raised and spread abroad scanda-
lous speeches and discourses concerning the Act of Assembly
of this Province for advancement of trade and building Townes
&ca on purpose to prevent the putting forward soe good a
designe as thereby is intended. It was ordered that Procla-
mation should issue, requireing the speedy and vigorous
prosecution and putting in Execution of the said Act of
Assembly and awarding punishmt on all such as shall
endeavour to obstruct impede or prevent in any wise the
same; And that Capt. Randll Brandt of Charles County be
impowered and required by pticular precept from this board
to perfect lay out and finish all the Lotts in the severall Townes
p. 208
nominated in that County with all speed wch precept accord-
ingly issued (viz)
Capt. Randl Brandt precept to pfect the Townes in
Charles County.
By the Councill
Whereas it hath been made appeare to this board that the
severall Townes appointed for Ports and places of trade
within Charles County, have not been thoroughly laid out and
plotted as is required in the act of Assembly for advancement
of Trade, and the additionall act to the same, by reason Capt
Randolph Brandt late Depty Survr of the said County was
suspended before he could finish the same, much to the hinder-
ance and prejudice of the Inhabitants of the aforesd County
who were willing to build and promote soe good a worke for
the advancemt of trade in the County aforesaid.
Ordered therefore that the said Capt Randolph Brandt doe
forthwith lay out plott and finish the surveying of the severall
Townes ports and places of Trade appointed by the aforesaid
two Acts of Assembly to be ports and places of trade in
Charles County aforesaid, according to the directions and
dimensions in the said Acts sett forth, and that he returne his
proceedings therein to his Lsps Councill at the City of St Maries
with all convenient speed, and for soe doeing this shall be his
warrant. Dated at the Councill Chamber at the City of St
Maries the 5th Day of March in the Tenth yeare of the
Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &ca Annoq Dmi: 1684:
To Capt Randolph Brandt Signed p ordr
in Charles County J. Cullen Clk assistant
These. Consil