knowing the affaires of this Countrey) for advice from him
concerning her comeing into this Province, & likewise
informed him of her husbands desire. Thereupon the said
Staples pmised all the imaginable kindnesses to your Petr
said wife that might be in assisting her, in her and her Chil-
drens passage for Maryland, asserting that he very well knew
your Petr in this Countrey, and further that he would procure
passage for them, and likewise carry them to her husband
yor Pef and deliver them in Maryland aforesaid; upon which
your Petrs said wife and two Children being very desirous of
comeing to her husband and their ffather was glad of that
oportunity, and thereupon your Petrs wife in Ireland aforesaid
made a verball Contract with the said Staples for their pas-
sages, and thereby it was promised and agreed by the said
Staples that he would have noe more for each of their pas-
sages then he paid himself for servants, and the same was to
be paid by your Petr upon delivery of the said persons
in Maryland, and not otherwise; your Petr said wife being
unacquainted with things of that nature, and altogether igno-
rant thereof without any further discourse or otherwise shipp'd
her self, and her two Sonns (viz:) James and John Gale on
board a shipp by the said Staples appointed in ordr to their
transportation into this Province, trusting to the sd Staples
his promise and agreemt of delivering them here as aforesaid,
and then to receive his pay of your Pef for their passages as
p Contract aforesaid. But now soe it is may it please your
Honors the said Shipp, and your Petrs said wife and Children
are since safe arrived in Virginia, where (contrary to your
Petrs knowledge, and the agreemt aforesd made in Ireland
aforesaid) the said Staples hath sold and disposed of one of
your Petrs sd sonns named James Gale to serve for the
tearme of five yeares, which (as your Pef is informed) was to
defray the charge and passages of Servants the said Staples
brought in, and your Pets said wife and other Child the sd
Staples has brought into this Province, but never gave your
Pef any notice thereof, and hath likewise (contrary to the
knowledge of your Pef) carryed the other Sonn named John
Gale to Kent County Court, where he was adjudged to serve
the said Staples Eleaven yeares.
After which your Pef (haveing Intelligence of their arrivall)
he speedily tooke a journey to the said Staples house, and
there demanded the said free passengers, Yett (although your
Pef offered him pay for their passages, according to his the sd
Staples promise and Contract aforesaid) he denyed them,
affirming that he had already disposed of your Pefs said
Sonns, but that he might have his wife upon payment of Two
Lib. R. R. R.