Lib. R. R. R
an Act of Parliamt in such cases made, and the Contract afore-
said, but also much to the greviance of your Petr Your Petr
finding himself, altogether remediless herein without he is
releived by your Honots Therefore he most humbly suppli-
cates your Honors ordr for precept to issue to the sheriff of
Kent County to summons the said Henry Staples thereby
commanding him under a certain penalty to be and appeare
before your Honors on a certain day to be by your Honrs pre-
fix'd to answer the prmisses, that soe upon your Honors further
heareing the whole matter, your Pet' may be (out of your
bountifull goodness) releived herein, your Petr being alwaies
ready to pay or secure to be paid the Tobacco for their pas-
sages as aforesaid, according to agreemt aforesaid, which
may amount to Three thousand pounds of Tobacco or
thereabouts, or at such other rates as to your Honors may
seeme good, and also that the said Henry Staples may be by
your Honrs obleiged forthwith to discharge your Petr said
Sonn James from his time of Servitude, and at the said Sta-
ples his Charge to be transported into this Province, and
delivered in Maryland according to his the sd Staples Contract
and agreemt made in Ireland aforesaid, And that your Petr
sd wife and other Child may be discharged as aforesaid.
And your Petr shall ever pray &ca whereupon issued this
following precept to the sher. of Kent County (viz:)
By the honble his Lsps Councill
Maryland ss:
Upon the Complaint of Abraham Gale of Somrsett County
against One Henry Staples for betraying the wife & Children
of the said Abraham, and disposeing of them in Virginia not-
withstanding the agreement made betweene the said Staples
and the said Gale's wife, was to transport them into this Prov-
ince, and there dispose of them upon certain tearmes betweene
them concluded on
These are therefore in the name of the Rt honble the Lord
Propry to will and require you Edward Swettnam high Sheriff
of Kent County, immediately upon sight hereof, to summons
the said Henry Staples, and the wife of the said Gale, that all
excuses sett apart they be and psonally appeare before the
worshipfull the Commissionrs of the County Court of Talbott