Lib. R. R. R.
Acomack ss:
Memdu about the 20th of January last (viz:) 1684: One
Richard Stevens, with one Richard Baily and William
in a boate about 16 foote keele bound, and on their voyage
from Choptank to Northampton County in Virginia putt on
shoare at Watts or Gabriells Island adjacent to Accomack
County, and in the boate about or neere 20000l of tobo value,
the men being on shoare neere the boate, by a fire, in the
close of Evening came 4 men (viz.) One Roger Makeele, one
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called Mr Smith, one other white man, and One negro came to
the boate, with 3 people appertaineing to one Mr Jenckins
plantation on sd Island; Two of the men entred the boate,
Roger commanding to putt off, Stevens forbad, and laid
hands on the grapling, Roger violently thrust him from it into
the water, and commanded them to putt off, which they did,
all the 4 men being visibly well armed with gunns & swords,
one other of Rogers crew, and one of the Islanders went into
a shallop there rideing by, and went off in company with the
aforesaid boate, in the meane while Roger with many threat-
ning words, and daunting expressions in company with other
two Islanders staied at the water side, about two houres after
the aforesaid 4 men returned in the shallop belonging to
Roger, haveing left Stevens boate and goods (as they supposed)
upon some other Island not farr distant; Roger ordered 2 men
of the Island to stay armed all that night at the water side, to
guard the said Makeeles and Confederates water vessells
which were two; himself and crew with one called Overseer of
the Island goeing to the house, which was about a mile dis-
tant; next day Stevens and the other two goeing to
the house, found them drinking and feasting with Rumm
or Brandy, mutton Turkeys &ca but would not entertaine
or releive whom they had robb'd. After two daies and nights
being there deteined fasting &ca Roger ordred one of his crew,
and one of the Island crew to sett the said three men on
shoare, whereupon a small boate was Launched which had
layne hid amongst tenderwoods, and sett them on shoare to the
maine, Landing them in a remote place upon Marishes, and
immediately returned, but exacted from them some of their
clothes for their soe doeing. The said Bailey, and William,
may be in Dorsett County, if think fitt to be better informed,
but Stevens made oath to the substance of the above relation
in Accomack Court, and that he knew Roger by former ac-
quaintance. About a Seavnnight following a sloope with
about 8 or 900l of goods being bound to the Eastern shore
from the Westerne, comeing to Anchor under sd Island, two
men went on shoare; where were with many large Invi-
tacons Invited to come all of the men on shoare, and refresh