Maryland ffebry 22th 1684.
May it please yor Lsp:
Besides the Councills joint Lettr of the 3d of December
last, your Ldsp will have reed: (we doubt not ere this) a pticu-
lar Accot from us all of the Estate of affaires in this your Pro-
vince as they then stood. Duplicate of the said joint Letter,
and coppys of all papers therewith sent, your Lsp will have now
transmitted you by this oportunity, The summe and substance
of all (haveing first recounted to your Lsp: the unfortunate
death of Mr Rousby by the hands of Coll Talbott,) being
chiefly to give you an Ace' of the insolent rude behaviour of
Capt Allen to this your Lsps Governmt as by the severall Depo-
sitions sent your Ldspp We well hoped the Lord Effingham
would have taken that prudent care upon our address to him,
as to have advised Capt Allen to more sober tearmes; but we
find the contrary effects, and Capt Allen not onely continue-
ing in his former wonted rudeness, but increaseing daily in
his particular openly declared malice to this Province, continu-
ally infesting the severall Ports here, and terrifyeing and dis-
turbing all Masters of Ship and Traders here, Lording it over
them, in a most insufferable manner, commanding them on
board him, and sending aboard them to ransack and toss them
at his pleasure, insoemuch that it is onely reverence to his
Maj'ies Comission, that tyes the tongues and hands of severall
from doeing more mischief then cann be answered; In fine
(may it please your Lsp) unless some speedy prudent course be
taken to curb the insolence of this mann, not onely the trade
of the Province will be ruined (wherein his Majtie as well as