Lib. R. R. R.
your Lsp will share as sufferers with us.) but also your Gov-
ernmt here rendred ridiculous and ineffectuall and the autho-
rity become a nose of wax.
Notwithstanding the Lord Effinghams wholesome advice
to us upon the death of Mr Rousby, to make provision for
the Collecting of his Majties Duties by Authoriseing some
honest able person to manage the same untill further ordr
from his Majtie: (which this Governmt had Anticipated by
takeing that previous care as became them before the Receipt
of his Lsps Letter) Yett Capt Allen has taken upon him (by
what authority we know not) publickly to declare, that he
would appoint a Collector in Mr Rousby's place, and wondred
p. 183
at this Governmt here that they should Offer to meddle in
that affaire, which he said they had nothing to doe with;
although his Mar the Lord Effingham (as before hinted)
thought otherwise; He hath seized severall shipps and vessells
here, & carried them all into Virginia for tryall, where some
have been condemned and some acquitted: he is now and
constantly in this Province, takeing noe notice at all of the
Shipping in Virginia, but giveing them oportunity enough to
defraud his Majtie or doe what else they please; insoemuch
that it has been said (and indeed as the affaire is managed it
may take with some) that Capt Allen designes onely the
destruction of this Province, he haveing himself declared that
he would reduce both Governmts to One, endeavouring (as
much as in him lyes) to divert the good people of this Pro-
vince from their fidelity and Obedience to your Ldsp: and this
your Governmt thinks ill becomeing a pson under his circum-
stances and Qualifications. One vessell called the Providence
of Deale by him seized in St Maries River not long since
he offered to bring to tryall here in this Province, provided he
could (agreeable to his Comission as he tearmed it) have a
Court for that purpose called in his Majties name, as by his
Lettr to Coll Digges; Coppy whereof, and of Coll Digges's
answer is inclosed for your Lsps peruseall But wee Submitt
all to your Lsps better judgemt and directions
On Tuesday last the 17th instant came a Lettr from the
Lord Effingham of the 11th instant, affording new but ill Sub-
ject matter of news (viz:) the escape of Coll George Talbott
out of custody in Virginia the night preceeding, as by coppy
of his Lsps Lettr Inclosed you will pceive: The Lettr comeing
to Coll Digges hand first, he then immediately issued out his
Hue and Cry, and on thursday last we all of us as many as
could meete together, signed and sent forth hue and Cry to
all the Counties of this Province, but least that may not be
effectuall enough, we intend on Tuesday the 24th of this
moneth when wee meete at Court to sett forth Proclamations
for the apprehending & secureing of the fugitive, and will