steere the Shallop, but if they would leave one in his roome
that could doe that, he would goe along with them, where-
upon they putt a man on board the shallop, and he the Dept
went along with the mann of Warre boate, and when he came
on board the Ketch, The Command' examined him who he was,
from whence he came, and what he had on board; off all which
the Dept haveing given him a full Acct he desired to be dis-
missed, but the Command' refused to lett him goe, and told
him he must goe along with him, and pilott him to Pottuxen;
soone after they espied a shipp in the sd Bay, and the mann of
warr Ketch made up towards her, and the Dept again mooved
the Command' to Dismiss him, but he would not hearken to
him when they came pretty neare to the sd shipp, the Com-
mandr of the Ketch perceiving she would not strike to him,
ordered his Gunner to fire at him with a shott, which was
accordingly done, and the mann of warre boate sent to bring
aboard the Master, who when he came the Capt Examined
him concerning the freedome of his shipp and Cocketts,
whereof the master gave what Accot he could, and when they
came into Pottuxen River, the Ketch passed by very neere a
shipp lyeing at Anchor in the said River of Pottuxen, The
Mastr whereof he the said Capt Allen commanded on board
his Ketch, The men on board the ship made answer that
their master was gone ashore, The Capt replyed, lett him
Lib. R. R. R.
come on board or it should be worse for him for that there
was a boate aboard which might bring him suddenly after the
master of the said Shipp came on board the Ketch, and the
said Capt. Allen examined his Cocketts &c: The Mar made
answer that he had been ashoare with Majr Sewall, entred his
shipp and procured his pmitt, To which the Capt replyed that
he ought first to have applyed himself to the Kings Collector
and given him an acco' of his freedome and Cocketts, and
have gotten a Certificate from him for a permitt to trade in
the Countrey, The said Master again answered that he went
ashoare with intent to have entred at my Lords, but calling at
Mr Rousbys house, he the said Rousby directed him to Major
Sewalls, and told him he must goe and enter there, The said
Capt Allen told the sd Master that he must goe and fetch his
cocketts again, or he would seize him, And if Major Sewall
should refuse to deliver them, he would fire his house downe,
and if my Lord himself were in the Countrey, he valued him
noe more then another mann. And further the Dept saith not
Jurat 3o die Decembris Tho: Jones.
Anno Dmi. 1684:
coram me Wm Digges
p. 176