336 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R.
Maryld ss:
James Bodkin of St Maries County in the sd Province gentl
aged twenty yeares or thereabouts being sworn and exam-
ined deposeth and saith as followeth, that about a muneth
since or neere about that time, he this Dept being in Company
with Capt Allen Commandr of the Kings Ketch, at the City of
St Maries, to the best of his remembrance he heard the said
Capt Allen discourse touching his Lsp the Rt honble the Lord
Propry his Charter and Governmt and that amongst other
thinges he heard the sd Capt Allen say that Coll Talbott, or that
Talbott up the Bay should or would Suffer for what he had
done in the building a ffort up the Bay, and that Penn would
recover the land again or much to that effect; And further
saith that he heard the said Capt Allen vse many other dis-
courses and words spoken in a huffing manner which this
Dept cannot now well remember, but the substance of them
was to the best of this Depts remembrance, that he the said
Capt Allen cared not for his Lsp or Governmt as to be com-
manded by them, but that he would seize shipps if there were
any there, and carry them away in despight of any person, but
as to his Lsps person he should respect him as a gentl and
otherwise he had nothing to doe with him or the Governmt or
words to this or the like effect
Jurat coram nobis Dec: 3d 1684: James Bodkin
Thomas Tailler
Vincent Lowe
Ordered that a Lettr be writt to his Lsp giveing him an
Accot of the late unhappy murder of Mr Rousby and the pro-
ceedings of this Governmt thereon, pticularly to recount unto
his Lsp the comportmt of Captr Alien & to send him coppyes
of all Depositions thereto relateing and of the Lettr sent into
Virginia & my Lord Effinghams answer, notifyeing to his Lsp
that the Depositions of Bodkin, Gayskill, Jones, Mitchell, and
one of Dolberrys has relation onely to matters before the
murder was committed
Council's Letter to Ld Propry
May it please
your Lsp:
The sad news of the late horrid murder committed by Coll
Talbott on the body of Mr Christopher Rousby on the last day
of October last past, may possibly arrive with your Lsp: before
an oportunity could present to us of shewing our duty in that
pticular, neither indeed cann we now give your Lsp any other
accompt thereof then what wee recd: from Capt Allen Com-