those gentlemen of the Governmt under the Lord Propry in
relation to the prisoner and the Ketch aforesaid
Jurat in Concil 3d Die Ro: Carvile
Decembris 1684
J Ll. Clk:
And the said Deponent further deposeth that he heard that
there was a warrant issued out by Coll Henry Darnall & Majr
Nicholas Sewall directed to the Sheriff of Calvert County (in
which County the Kings Ketch lay) for the apprehending the
body of the sd Coll George Talbott, and secureing him till he
were delivered by due course of Law, and that after the said
warrant issued wee went aboard the sd Ketch, and to the best
of this Depts Remembrance, the sayd Coll Darnall or Majr
Sewall did tell the said Capt that such warrt was gone out, and
that there would be some psons come on board to demand
the prisoner accordingly
Jurat die et ann Supra diet. Ro: Carvile
J Ll. Clk.
Maryld ss
Anthony Underwood aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts
deposeth as followeth
That I the said Anthony was sent for the first day of
November to the house of Christopher Rousby Esqr and when
I came there, I understood by the said Rousbys Servants that
there Master was killed on board a Ketch then rideing about
two miles within the mouth of Pottuxen River over agt the
said Rousby's Landing; which said Ketch This Depont was
informed belonged to his Majtie our Sovereigne Lord the King,
and that one Thomas Allen was Commandr of the same, on
the morrow being Sunday the said Allen sent a boate to fetch
this Deponent aboard, and this Deponent was carried on board