332 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R.
concerning the Captains power, that he might (if he had
pleased) by his Commission, and the martiall Lawes of the Sea
have putt him to death there, There happened also some
further discourse betweene the said Coll Darnall, Majr Sewall,
and the said Capt Allen, touching the reason why Capta Allen
did not at his comeing into the harbour in Maryland acquaint
the Governmt of his Quality and Comission, and make some
Entry with the Governmt of his Shipp as other shipps did
usually doe and were obleiged; ffor otherwise without such
notice the Govermt might reasonably suspect him for a Pirate
or vessell seizeable, Capt Allen relyed upon his Comission and
Instructions, conceiving and soe affirming that he had nothing
to doe with my Lord Propry or his Governmt though there, but
that his Instructions obleiged him to observe noe other ordrs
but my Lord Effinghams and his Majties Collector in Maryland
the said Mr Christopher Rousby deed: and that without apply-
ing himself to the Governmt of Maryland he had power suffi-
cient to examine and seize ships if he had occasion; some
things being urged out of my Lords Charter of the power
given by his Majtie to his Lsp his heires and successors and that
all persons both civill and military were to be Obedient to his
Majties Commands therein, Capt Allen did then say, if there
were any fforreigne or domestick rebellion against his Lsps
Governmt by sea or Land he would be ready to aid and assist
his Lsp and Governmt Hee the said Capt. Allen did produce
his Comission and other writeings which he said were his
Instructions, and read some small matter in them touching the
said Collector of Maryland, which to the best of my remem-
brance was that he should acquaint their Hono rs from whom he
had those Instructions, of what correspondency he kept with
his Majties Collector in Maryland or to that effect. And after
the said Coll Darnall and Majr Sewall comeing away, The
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said Coll Darnall did once more in the name of the Lord
Propry demand the said prisoner with a guard ashoare, till the
could be there sufficiently secured, but the said Capt Allen
refused to deliver him, but caused his Pinnance to be manned
to sett us ashoare, and after gave nine gunns, and after the
Guns fired, and we gone some distance from the Ketch, they
hailed the pinnace aboard, and aboard wee went, and Coll
Darnall and Majr Sewall went into the Captains Cabbin, and
they had some words, which (as I understood) that some on
board had informed the Capt that there was Twenty men (as
I take it) laid waite ashoare, but Coll Darnall and Majr Sewall
satisfyeing the Capt of the falsity of the Report, wee had again
leave to depart in his Pinnace aforesaid. This is the substance
of what I can say touching the dispute betweene the Captn and