Lib. R. R. R.
p. 162
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the second day
of Decemb: Ao Dmi. 1684:
Coll Thomas Taillor
Coll Vincent Lowe
The honble Present
Coll Henry Darnall
Mr John Darnall
Severall Depositions taken concerning Capt. Allen viz.
Henry Exon of St Maries County In holder aged nine and
ffourty yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith that
being on board the Kings Ketch called The Quaker Ketch in
Pottuxen River Capt Thomas Allen Commandt, and discourse-
ing about delivering up the Prisoner Coll Talbott, he said he
would not deliver him up by any power of my Lord Balte-
mores, that he had noe ordrs to take any notice of my Lord
Baltemore, his business was to apply himself to my Lord
Effingham, who was his Chiefe here, and thither he would
carry his prisoner, And if my Lord Effingham pleased in
Honor to my Lord Baltemore to send him back again, he
would bring him; he also said that he heard they intended to
take him by violence, but if he could proove that any two of
the Councill had said soe, he would have carried them downe
to my Lord Effingham too:
Jurat 2d die Decembris Henry Exon
Anno 1684: in Concil
J Lll: Clk:
The Deposition of James Cullen aged about 30 yeares
This Depont maketh oath that about the middle of October
last being in Company with one Capt Thomas Allen at the
house of John Baker, att St Maries, he this Dept went along
with the said Allen to the Landing at St Maries, where the
said Allen (discourseing of a large Comon which he had from
his Majtie the King of England) said and reported that he
would by vertue of his said Comonat any time take or carry
away any shipp or vessell which had not sufficient Certificates
from his Majties Officers of his Customes, and that out of any
Port or harbour of this Province of Maryland, and that my
Lord Baltemore could noe waies hinder him from soe doeing
Whereupon this Dept told him that his Lsp the Lord Baltemore
never was, and supposed never would be in any thing oppo-
site to nor never contradict any power or Authority Granted
by his Majties to any of his Comandrs or Officers, but did
alwaies to the utmost uphold and maintaine strictly the Stat-
utes concerning navigation, upon wch the said Allen (being in