Upon the Information of Major Tho: Taillor of Dorchester
County that by reason of the bounds betweene that and Som-
mersett County not being formerly ascertained, the Deputy
Suror of Somrsett County (as it now appeared upon the
divideing of the said Counties) had layd out land in Dor-
chester County, contrary to the tenor of his Comission and
It is Ordered that caveat be Entred in the Land Office
against the receiveing and recording any Certificate to be
returned by the Depty Survr of Somrsett County for any land
by him surveyed in Dorchester County, and that for the future
noe Deputy Surveyr prsume to lay out any Land without the
bounds and limitts of their County, without speciall ordr from
this board.
To the honble his Lsps Councill
The humble Petition of John Pearsons.
That John Saxon Doore-keeper appointed by his Lsp to
attend yor Honors being now indisposed and unable to pforme
his duty, is willing to resigne up his place to any pson whom
your Honors shall think fitt to make choice off. That your
petr is and hath been for some time a Servant also to yor
Honors and hath Officiated dureing this Provinciall Court in
the roome of the sd Saxon, He therefore prayes your Honors to
accept of him in the roome of the said Saxon, and that he
may from henceforth receive the benefitt of the said Office
untill such time as your Honors shall see cause to the contrary,
which he hopes, and is confident shall never (unless meerely
through ignorance) be Offered from him.
And he shall pray &ca
The petition was granted, and the said John Pearsons
appointed Doore keeper to the Councill, & the ffees there-
upon wch shall hereafter become due hereby settled upon him
dureing pleasure
Ordered that the Kings Duties be
secured by his Lsps Collectors