Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 319
tained the said North East branch of Nantecoke River to i
be the bounds betweene the said Counties of Somrsett and
Dorchester, all which we humbly Certifie to the honble the
Councill for their further approbation an confirmation in Tes-
timony of wch we have putt to our hands.
Will Stevens
Hen: Smith
Barthol: Ennalls
Char: Hutchins.
Lib. R. R R.
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the first day of
Decemb. Anno 1684:
Coll Thomas Taillor
The honble Coll Vincent Lowe Present
Majr Nicholas Sewall
Mr John Darnall
Ordered that new Commissions issue to the severall and
respective Deputy Surveyrs of the severall Counties of this
Province, accordingly as they are hereafter named, to Officiate
in the surveying & resurveying of Lands within their severall
and respective precincts for the Inhabitants of this Province
and others requireing the same according to such precepts
ordrs and warrts as shall be legally and duely obteined and to
them respectively directed upon such conditions and tearmes
as formerly such Comons have been granted, The said Deputies
Surveyr to be responsible & pay for the same to his Lsp or such
person or persons as his Lsp shall hereafter appoint to receive
the same in such manner as hath been formerly accustomed to
be paid by them respectively for their severall and respective
Offices (viz.)
Thomas Lightfoote for Baltemore and Cecil Counties
Henry Parker for Talbott and Kent Counties
John Taylor for Dorchester County parte except onely for
Majr Tho: Taylor The Whore kills, St Jones's, and Dela-
ware bay
Samuel Croper for Somrsett County
Richard Beard for Anne Arrundell County
Robert Jones for Calvert County
Richard Edelen for St Maries County
Capt Ninion Beales for Charles County